Friday, May 6, 2011

Spring Break

The Monday after Easter began Katie's spring break from school so, the kids, my dad, Briana and I headed to Boise for some fun! The kids and I had 8 days filled with all sorts of activities, visiting friends and family and eating out at our favorite restaurants (I had lots of cravings to satisfy!) Upon our arrival on Monday, my mom took the kids shopping for their new summer toys. Katie got a new bike... Tys a new Spiderman scooter board and they all got rollarskates. I had brought the boy's bikes with me from home and they spent week practicing on their new "rides". With practice, Katie is getting the hang of riding her new bike. Of course, the new Barbie helmet helps :)

Cool Tys... everytime Tys puts on his helmet and pad and gets on his new scooterboard he asks me "mommy, am I a cool skateboarder?"

Trenton on his bike. He actually does really well on Tys skateboard too...

Katie rollarskating with a little help from Nana

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