Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We have been experiencing quite a bit of cold, snowy, wintery weather here lately. It snows during the day then, freezes hard at night thus, causing many accidents on the roads and highways. Casey has been working pretty much non-stop since Monday for the towing/hauling company.... there have been too many auto slide offs and accidents to count. After working 23 hours straight, he arrived home at 5:30 this morning and slept about 4 hours before heading out again.
Before picking Katie up from school this morning, Tys got to spend a few minutes outside playing in the fun snow. Other than that they haven't really gotten to play outside because of the cold temperatures. He enjoyed building a "no-man"! As you can see, Trenton wasn't too happy about all of this cold, wet white stuff!! He was just walking to the car but, even that was too much for him. He would much rather look at it from inside the comfort of his warm, dry house :) I don't blame him!

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