Sunday, April 15, 2012

After arriving home from CA. late last Monday the rest of our week just flew by! On Thursday Katie left for a spring break trip to Phoenix with my parents... here are a few other highlights from our week....

1. Casey mowed the grass for the 1st time this year
2. I read 7 chapters in "Unbroken"
3. The kids and I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies
4. After the kids are in bed, Casey and I have been watching reruns of Chopped, The Big Bang Theory, this seasons Biggest Loser and that 70's Show on Hulu and Netflix
5. Trent cut the back of his head open
6. My new Pioneer Woman's cookbook arrived in the mail and I LOVE it!
7. Tys had 2 t-ball practices
8. I packed 3 boxes
9. We ate 4 pounds of strawberries - yummeeeee
10. Kristiana is now saying "dada" and "mama"

1 comment:

girlfriday said...

All that happened in a week?!