Monday, October 10, 2011

My Girls

On Saturday the girls and I spent the day together. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to say "my girls"! I am so thankful for each of my kids and it's always nice to have some quality one-on-one time with each child.
We began the day with Katie's soccer game and team pictures (which, the whole family went to) She is improving her soccer skills more and more each week and is learning how to pass the ball back and forth with her teammates. Afterwards, we took the boys home and headed to Elko for the day. We did some clothes shopping and ate lunch at TacoTime. I was happy when Katie voted Taco Time as the best place ever to eat because Casey doesn't care for it so we never eat there... Now I have a Taco Time buddy! Next, we headed to Wal-Mart and to Smiths for groceries. Katie was able to spend her tooth fairy money and bought a new Barbie. It was an enjoyable day with good conversations!

Kristiana continues to be a happy, smiley baby! We had a little scare last week when her neck rash began coming back... after a few days of the new medicine, it cleared up and is back to normal again... yay! She also began rice cereal last night as, she has recently gone back to waking up every 3 hours throughout the night.... uggh! So, I'm hoping the cereal will help our hungry little baby (last night didn't however, with it being her first night I wasn't able to get her to eat very much...)

1 comment:

Geer Family said...

yeah for girls day out and precious conversation with our growing daughters!