Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Day
Christmas Morning
On Christmas morning, we celebrated Christmas with my parents at our house. The kids got to open their stockings as soon as they woke up then, my parents came over for breakfast. For Trenton's birthday breakfast we had our traditional donuts and egg casserole. Like all kids on Christmas morning, our kids were excited to open their presents and we were all blessed with many wonderful gifts!
Before the fun began, the kids got their picture taken with Nana and Papa....
Our family picture didn't go quite so well! Tys decided he had already had enough of pictures and was ready to move on...
After 5 years of my husband repairing my blowdryer when it breaks (he likes the challenge of fixing it and won't let me buy a new one! lol) I finally got a new one... even if it WAS from my parents! :)
Trenton's 2nd birthday
I have lots of blogging to catch up on from over the holidays! To start off with, we celebrated Trenton's 2nd birthday on Christmas Eve. We had a small party with family and I had made turkey wild rice soup for dinner. Trenton enjoyed his Thomas the Train decorations and the colorful balloons! Between his birthday and Christmas, Trent received a whole Thomas the Train railroad set... with engines and railcars. He is really into trains right now and has loved playing with it. He is also into the Tonka Chuck 'n Friends and has gotten enjoyment going from the train set back to his Chucks! 
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Pre-Christmas Celebration
Last night we headed over to my parents for dinner and to see my little brother. Jake has to work over the holidays so he came down from Boise yesterday to celebrate with us and my parents. Casey had to work on his day off yesterday but, was thankfully done by evening time. As usual, my "evening sickness" kicked in and I spent much of our time there on the couch.... We enjoyed manicotti for dinner and opening presents. Oh, we also watched the Bears/Vikings game since my two aunts and uncles were at the very cold game! To make the game a little more interesting, my Uncle Arnie is a big Vikings fan and Uncle Mel is a big Bears fan.
Katie is such a daddy's girl!
Monday, December 20, 2010
School Christmas party
Katie's school had their "Happy Birthday Jesus" Christmas party on Friday. The kids each exchanged a book and enjoyed birthday cake. For the book exchange, the girls sat in a circle and the boys sat in their own circle. Then, they played a game sort of like Hot Potatoe... when the music went off, the book you were holding was yours. Katie got three Sesame Street books on shapes, ABC's and numbers. She now has two weeks off from school... she will miss her friends but I won't miss having to get her up and off to school by 8:05! lol
Katie has really done well in school and demonstrates on a daily basis what she's learned. Her favorite thing to do is point out letters that she has learned (they have learned through L) and showing their phonic sounds. She is actually figuring out how to spell words! She also teaches herself how to write the letters and, even though it may not be the "correct" way of writing, you can still tell what it is. Katie was also blessed with an exceptional memory. I will read her a book and, notice a little while later that Katie is reading that same book to her brothers. Maybe not word for word, but pretty close. What a great gift to have... Wish I had that!
Christmas Party
On Saturday evening, Casey and I went to his company's Christmas dinner at the Hide-A-Way Steakhouse. I was telling Casey that this years was probably the funnest work party we had been to. With Atlas being a smaller company, we were all able to sit together at one big table and enjoy an evening of laughter and story telling... of course, most of them were towing stories! lol And, yes, I'm just 12 weeks pregnant and already showing! Of all my pregnancies, this is the soonest that I've have to break out the maternity clothes :) 
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Little Lord Jesus
The kids singing Little Lord Jesus...
My camera was beginning to run out of battery so I could only take short clips.
My camera was beginning to run out of battery so I could only take short clips.
Christmas Program 2
On Sunday afternoon, Katie had her second Christmas program at school. Pastor Mark did a short kid's Christmas service and the kid's sang a couple of sangs they had learned. Afterwards everyone enjoyed cookies and juice in the classroom! This week at school, Katie has an book exchange with her classmates and a Jesus' birthday party...
Christmas Program 1
On Sunday, Katie had a very busy day with 2 Christmas programs. The first one was at church, after our morning service. The group of kids sang songs like "Angels We Have Heard on High", "Silent Night" and more. And, the older kids had reading parts. She sang very well and with gusto! Katie told me afterwards that she is looking forward to reading like the older kids in next year's program. 
Gingerbread House
I know that I am a little behind in blogging... but with the craziness of the holidays I have a good excuse :) We have been busy with Christmas parties, baking, getting Christmas letter mailed out, wrapping presents and so much more. The kids are loving everything that goes with celebrating Jesus' birthday!
One day last week the kids and I attempted building and decorating their gingerbread house. With only one set of adults hands and 3 sets of very excited little hands, assembling the walls of the house didn't go very well! So, I let them decorate their own walls individually instead. They turned out great and the kids enjoyed getting to eat their gingerbread house this year instead of looking at it all season :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Charlie Brown tree
We decided to go with our little Charlie Brown tree for one more year! Last year we had a live-big tree but, this year I just wasn't up to it. So, right after the holidays we're planning on buying a big fake tree (on sale) and laying Mr Charlie Brown tree to rest... The kids really don't care what kind of tree we have as long as we have one! They did a terrific job of decorating it! Now, we'll be doing good if no one gets electricuted from plugging the lights on 'n off when mommy's not looking and we come out of the season with no broken ornaments. So far, so good! 
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hard to believe that it is already December and the holiday season is upon us! The kids are looking forward to celebrating Jesus' birthday!
1. My shopping is done
2. We are looking forward to lots of upcoming Christmas parties and community activities
3. The tree & decorations are sitting by the front door... waiting to be put up
4. Katie has been practicing songs for her 2 Christmas programs
5. Christmas letters are almost ready to go out
6. Let the holiday baking begin... as you can see, I have lots of good help in the kitchen!
7. 1/3 of presents are wrapped
8. The yummy looking Ginger Bread House will be put together this weekend
9. The kids are spending countless hours playing with their Nativity Little People set
10. As we come to the close of another year, we are continually thankful for God's unfailing love and grace in our lives. He has lead us through every trial and triumph of this last year. And even though it seems like this year has been tougher than all the others, we feel peace knowing that He's in control!
1. My shopping is done
2. We are looking forward to lots of upcoming Christmas parties and community activities
3. The tree & decorations are sitting by the front door... waiting to be put up
4. Katie has been practicing songs for her 2 Christmas programs
5. Christmas letters are almost ready to go out
6. Let the holiday baking begin... as you can see, I have lots of good help in the kitchen!
8. The yummy looking Ginger Bread House will be put together this weekend
9. The kids are spending countless hours playing with their Nativity Little People set
10. As we come to the close of another year, we are continually thankful for God's unfailing love and grace in our lives. He has lead us through every trial and triumph of this last year. And even though it seems like this year has been tougher than all the others, we feel peace knowing that He's in control!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
We have been experiencing quite a bit of cold, snowy, wintery weather here lately. It snows during the day then, freezes hard at night thus, causing many accidents on the roads and highways. Casey has been working pretty much non-stop since Monday for the towing/hauling company.... there have been too many auto slide offs and accidents to count. After working 23 hours straight, he arrived home at 5:30 this morning and slept about 4 hours before heading out again.
Before picking Katie up from school this morning, Tys got to spend a few minutes outside playing in the fun snow. Other than that they haven't really gotten to play outside because of the cold temperatures. He enjoyed building a "no-man"!
As you can see, Trenton wasn't too happy about all of this cold, wet white stuff!! He was just walking to the car but, even that was too much for him. He would much rather look at it from inside the comfort of his warm, dry house :) I don't blame him!
Before picking Katie up from school this morning, Tys got to spend a few minutes outside playing in the fun snow. Other than that they haven't really gotten to play outside because of the cold temperatures. He enjoyed building a "no-man"!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
These past couple of mornings we've woken up to a layer of snow on the ground! Of course, the kids think it's so cool :) And, we've been having snow storms off and on throughout the day. Yesterday, Katie's potted sunflower, from August's VBS, decided to finally bloom! I have it on the kitchen window so that I can see my little "ray of spring" through the snow.
Trent is learning how to pray. He has his own version of Now I Lay Me that he says before bed and he participates in prayer time before meals. I can't help but smile whenever I see his "prayer face". It's very serious and scrunched up!
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