Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Trenton is adusting to having his injured arm and doing things one handed! Infact after being in discomfort over the weekend, his arm no longer seems to bother him and he is acting like his usual, old self... climbing on things, teasing his siblings and playing with his toys. He DID get really upset whenever I gave him a bath but wouldn't let him sit and play for his usual, LONG amount of time! The most challenging part has been keeping that sling on him. It didn't stay on very well and he really didn't like it. Lately, we haven't been making him wear it all the time since the swelling in his fingers have gone down. The most challenging part for me is keeping the bandaging clean until he sees the ortho doc. next Tuesday! My parents surprised the kids and came down from Boise on Monday & Tuesday to see us. They enjoyed their time and it went very quickly. Today the weather is so beautiful! I am happy to see our grass turning green and my tulips coming up... it's a good day to take the kids to the park this afternoon.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Trent's broken arm
After 5 years and 3 kids, we are having our first experience with broken bones. Last night Trent broke the radius on his left arm (right above his wrist) He was sitting by his daddy and Uncle Joe on the couch when he decided to slide down off the couch head and hands first. He landed on his hands then, twisted his arm as he fell. The guys said that he laughed for just a second then, started crying and crying and, wouldn't let them touch his arm. I also tried looking at it and we noticed swelling right away. Of all our kids, Trent is the toughest when it comes to pain. He hardly ever cries when he "bonks" himself so, we figured that something was wrong. So, we finished putting Tys and Katie to bed and, Joe was gracious enough to stay with them while Casey and I took him to the E.R. Thankfully, our favorite doctor and one of our favorite nurses was working! An X-Ray showed a Greenstick fracture to his arm so they splinted it and gave him a sling to wear until I get him to see his Pediatrician next week. Trent wasn't at all happy about them messing with his arm and kept giving them his "look of death"! But, he was a trooper through the whole thing and hardly even cried. He cringes still whenever we touch it (ie. getting him dressed) and by the way he holds it I can tell that it hurts. He was pretty miserable last night and this morning but, with the help of medication, he's getting up and around this afternoon. He's learning how to do things one-handed!
Watching cartoons this morning... he made us take his favorite monster trucks and blankie to the ER with him. They even got their X-Rays taken too :)
Daisys and Cars
Katie joined Daisy's about a month ago and is really enjoying it! Daisy's is the first level of Girl Scouts, K-1st grade. She's not in Kindergarten yet but they let her join now since she is 5yrs. They meet everyother Thurs. afternoon, for an hour, and it's at her school. At first she was shy among the 10 or so girls that she didn't know but, is now happy to participate and join in the activities and learning the pledge. I find a babysitter for the boys and always go along with her to the meetings... she still needs help writing in her Girl Scout workbook and, I don't want to miss out on the fun :) During one of the recent meetings, the girls (with the help of their moms) decorated their new Daisy shirts. The troop decided to decorate white polo shirts vs. buying the expensive uniforms since, they'll be buying the full G.S. uniform soon enough. So, here is Katie in her Daisy shirt! Her badges (which are the petals to the actual Daisy flower) will be sewn on the back. Last week she earned an orange petal badge for "Being responsible for what I say and do".
Last Saturday the Daisy troop sold cookies at one of our local convenience mart/gas stations. She was very excited about doing this! She and I went from noon-2pm (along with 3 other girls and 1 mom) and sold quite a few boxes! She was happy to have friends that she knew stop by and buy from her. Her daddy even stopped by and bought a few for himself :) Little does daddy know, mommy bought herself a few boxes too! hee hee
After selling cookies last Sat., Katie set up her own food and drink station at home this last week. She had a phone for taking phone orders and a little "contraption" that gave you any food or drink that you wanted. And the best part is, she gave it all away for FREE :)
When Tys wasn't eating "food" from his sister's table he spent time lining his cars and trucks up in a row. He has LOTS of cars and trucks in his collection so this keeps him busy for a while. He says that they're getting ready for a race. However, I never actually see them all race... guess it's too hard to move all of those cars at once!
After selling cookies last Sat., Katie set up her own food and drink station at home this last week. She had a phone for taking phone orders and a little "contraption" that gave you any food or drink that you wanted. And the best part is, she gave it all away for FREE :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
25 weeks
I am now 25 weeks along and feel her kicks getting stronger each day. For my appt. in Elko today, I took the boys and my dad along to hear the heartbeat. She is always very active in there and was kicking hard as the doctor was trying to assess my tummy! After my appt. we went to lunch with dad then, he went on his way home to Boise. The boys and I did a little grocery shopping and hurried home before the snow storm got any worse.
I continue to have the everyday nausea and even though it's not as bad as it was, I still feel "yucky" all the time. Some moments are worse than others throughout the day. I told Casey I have a feeling that I'm going to be sick this entire pregnancy! But, having only 15 weeks left gives me hope and the endurance to make it to the end :)
25 weeks pregnant and a cute little boy!
I continue to have the everyday nausea and even though it's not as bad as it was, I still feel "yucky" all the time. Some moments are worse than others throughout the day. I told Casey I have a feeling that I'm going to be sick this entire pregnancy! But, having only 15 weeks left gives me hope and the endurance to make it to the end :)
Monkey Bizness
It rained quite bit while we were in Boise. On one of the days that my mom worked, dad and I took the kids to a fun playland called Monkey Bizness. They spent two hours having a great time and left for home exhausted. My dad played just as hard as they did! Tys still talks about "that monkey place" and wants to go back the next time we're in Boise :) 
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Farewell Party
The kids and I were in Boise from last Friday until this Thursday. One of the main reasons for our going was to attend my cousin, Josh's, going away family party. He joined the Air Force and flew out to boot camp in TX on Tuesday. This is a huge life changing time for him and we are so proud of him and his willingness to serve our country! 
Friday, March 18, 2011
Trenton 2 yr check up
After a fun week in Boise we arrived back home yesterday, just in time for Katie to go to her Girl Scouts meeting. I have lots of pictures to post and catching up to do which, I will try to get to soon. My dad came home with us and will be here until Monday... it's always nice to have his help and company :)
Today, we went to Elko for Trent's 2 yr check up. The doctor was quite impressed with Trenton's size as, he is above 95% for his weight and height. There are no small Haveman boys in this family! At 2 years old, Trenton is at that fun age where he loves experiencing new things, is talking so much more and developing his own personality. He uses his big blue eyes to charm you and is very generous with giving kisses and snuggles. He is obsessed with trains and monster trucks right now and, loves his little blankie and Elmo toy (he calls him "melmo") In many ways, he is different than Tys and Katie were at this age. He has no desire to potty train, is pretty independant, loves to eat any and all foods and, can give looks that would "kill" We often talk about how he is our least friendly child. If he doesn't know you or is in a bad mood, don't be surprised if you get the "look of death". We're working on teaching him to be nice to people and hope he grows out of this! Recently, he has been learning how to pray... closing his eyes tightly, scrunching up his face and saying words that he knows. For Trenton, prayer is very serious business!
We are thankful for our healthy little (big) boy and love you very much, Ren-Man!
Having a great time in the playland at Monkey Bizness, Boise
Today, we went to Elko for Trent's 2 yr check up. The doctor was quite impressed with Trenton's size as, he is above 95% for his weight and height. There are no small Haveman boys in this family! At 2 years old, Trenton is at that fun age where he loves experiencing new things, is talking so much more and developing his own personality. He uses his big blue eyes to charm you and is very generous with giving kisses and snuggles. He is obsessed with trains and monster trucks right now and, loves his little blankie and Elmo toy (he calls him "melmo") In many ways, he is different than Tys and Katie were at this age. He has no desire to potty train, is pretty independant, loves to eat any and all foods and, can give looks that would "kill" We often talk about how he is our least friendly child. If he doesn't know you or is in a bad mood, don't be surprised if you get the "look of death". We're working on teaching him to be nice to people and hope he grows out of this! Recently, he has been learning how to pray... closing his eyes tightly, scrunching up his face and saying words that he knows. For Trenton, prayer is very serious business!
We are thankful for our healthy little (big) boy and love you very much, Ren-Man!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
After a busy week, I am pretty much packed for the kids and I to head up to Boise tomorrow morning. We'll be following my cousins up and, Briana will be riding with me to help with the kids. This'll be my first big trip by myself and, the kids don't have one of those car DVD's so I figured I had better have someone to help me :) It will be nice to see my parents and family again! This week has been busy with cooking meals for Casey, packing and getting our church's college student care packages ready to be mailed.
Wednesday was Parent Appreciation Day at Katie's school; I got to spend the morning in her classroom with her. It was a really great time filled with fun and seeing how Katie spends her time there. Kuddos to her amazing teacher, who makes learning fun and still keeps a handle on her busy class!
Sitting on the couch, Katie is reading an ABC book to her little brother
Wednesday was Parent Appreciation Day at Katie's school; I got to spend the morning in her classroom with her. It was a really great time filled with fun and seeing how Katie spends her time there. Kuddos to her amazing teacher, who makes learning fun and still keeps a handle on her busy class!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Bye Bye Crud
Another reason for celebration is the fact that I haven't had any bad moments of morning sickness (which I actually call "all day sickness") for about 4 days now... what a relief to have almost no nausea in my stomach! I will be 23 weeks on Saturday and enjoying feeling the baby kick throughout the day. Katie has even gotten to feel her kick once and thought that was SO cool!
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