Thursday, January 28, 2010
I Love Everyone
This evening Katie made the comment "Today I love everyone"!! Does that mean she chooses each day whether to love us or not????
My birthday
Happy Birthday to me! It's been a good day so far... however, I am slowly beginning to realize that as a mother birthdays just aren't the way they used to be! Instead of saying "it's my birthday, I can't do the dishes" Or "it's my birthday, I'm going to do whatever I want today", you wake up in the morning with three little kids that still want their breakfast (and lunch AND dinner!) And, a baby who wants his diaper changed and bottle filled. There's laundry to be done, bags to pack for tomorrow's trip and bills to pay. So, I celebrate my birthday in different ways now... listening to Katie and Tys' giggles and, little Trent's smile makes it all worth it! 
I began the morning by going to the gym ~ this was to help me keep my youth! Then, my three girlfriends took me to lunch today at our local Mexican Restaurant (along with 5 kids!) That was lots of fun and, they had a great time embarrassing me with the big-sombrero-hat-Happy-Birthday-song!! I have also been blessed by my many family & friends who have sent me birthday wishes and gifts and, I am listening to my new Michael Buble' CD at this very moment!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Casey, Katie and I arrived home around noon today from our trip to Reno and, we had a great time together! It was fun to spend one-on-one time with Katie... she is such a sweet, funny and energetic girl! Upon arriving in Reno yesterday, we met Casey's welding teacher, Dean, and Dean's wife, Lisa, at a restaurant for lunch. Then, in the afternoon Casey took Katie while I did some shopping :) While I was finding great bargains, C & K went for a ride on the ferris wheel at Scheels and did some errands. Then, Katie thought it was fun to hang out at the welding shop... In the late afternoon we headed over to Carson City; after having dinner at Applebee's, we spent the evening at a homeschooling conference. This last year I have been following a homeschooling families blog and, this family travels around the country doing conferences and musical performances. It was such a wonderful evening and, so nice to meet them!! You can see them on their blog:
Katie and her daddy hanging out at the hotel. Katie loved her "new room" in the "new town" and didn't want to leave this morning for home! She's such an adventurer and great traveler

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Lazy Weekend
We started a new Saturday night tradition last night... my mom made us all milkshakes and, they were enjoyed by all! The kids loved their M&M chocolate shakes!
From the looks of it, Trent was having a good time in his sister's bedroom!
We have had a pretty laid back weekend. Casey has been working days so, the kids and I are just hanging out at home. We did go to "game night" at Judy and Ken's house on Friday night... that was lots of fun! And, I went to the gym yesterday morning. Trent is walking all over the house now by himself and really thinking that he's SO BIG! Tys got a haircut on Friday, in preparation for Matt and Justine's wedding next weekend. The poor kid was so terrified hours BEFORE going to Amber's.. he truly hates haircuts with a passion! But, he was a trooper and Casey said he did better this time than last time (I send Casey with Tys to get his haircut since he can hold him still better than I can!) Afterwards he realized that haircuts aren't so bad when you can have a sucker and new HotWheels car!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Our Morning
I woke up really early this morning (well, early for me!) and went to the 6am step/aerobics class at the gym... what a great workout! I came home to find my little cowboy awake and waiting for me :) Here are a few pictures from this morning...
If Trent stops for any period of time to watch something, he does it on his belly. In this case he found it funny that mommy was dusting!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Lil Cowboy
Afternoon Nap
After working nights Fri-Mon., Casey got go spend some time with us yesterday afternoon. We spent it by doing errands, getting the paperwork in for his business license and this.....

Casey left early this morning for Reno again... the kids and I are going to hang out today and clean house. And, Katie gets to go play with her true love, Jakob!! (aka. Jibit)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Beautiful January Day
The weather was so nice this morning my parents took all the kids outside to play and ride the 4-wheelers. My cousins, Michael & Briana, spent the night with us last night so they got to hang out with us too! They had a great time and didn't want to come in for lunch... I'm so happy they got some fresh air and sunshine today because a storm is now rolling in!
Trent says "vroooom" as he drives his car!

Monday, January 11, 2010
Tickles and Giggles
As Casey gets ready to leave for Reno today, we are preparing ourselves for a week without him. We had great day with him yesterday and, made it a point to spend time together as a family.
Here are a few pictures of the kids having a fun time rocking in the chair... it soon turned into a tickle fest!!
Here are a few pictures of the kids having a fun time rocking in the chair... it soon turned into a tickle fest!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Another week...
This last week was a good one. After arriving home from CA. on Monday and having Katie's party on Tuesday, I spent Wed-Sat. cleaning house, unpacking, organizing the kid's toys and mucking our bedroom (for some reason it is the room where everything "without a home" gets put. So, this week I found a home for the homeless!) The kids kept busy playing with their new toys and, we had fun playing our new game, Sequence for Kids.
Casey spent the last two days in Reno, at his welding classes. Yesterday he welded for 12 hours! He's catching on quickly and enjoying what he's learning. I look forward to having him home late tonight thru Monday.
Trent was having a great time with the Lincoln Logs! Of course, his favorite part is dumping them all out :)
Casey spent the last two days in Reno, at his welding classes. Yesterday he welded for 12 hours! He's catching on quickly and enjoying what he's learning. I look forward to having him home late tonight thru Monday.
Trent was having a great time with the Lincoln Logs! Of course, his favorite part is dumping them all out :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
New Career
Today marks a change in Casey's job career. As some of you may already know, Casey's current employer, Dyno Nobel, will be laying off 3/4 of their employees the end of this month (or, sometime this spring. The date has been a little unsure) Casey is opting for the lay-off, instead of being the 1/4 employees that are staying, and going a different direction in his career. Beginning today he is starting welding classes in Reno. With the hopes of having his welding certificate and owning his own welding business. We have met a Christian man in Reno who owns a welding business/school and will work with Casey on training him on Casey's days off from Dyno. This man, Dean, will also let Casey contract through him in the beginning so Casey can get welding jobs. While in Reno, Casey will be working hard in class to get certificate at a quicker pace than normal (est. time 1-3 months) We'll miss him while he's either gone or, working, these next couple of months however, I know it'll be worth it in the long run! Please pray for him as he goes through classes and drives back and forth to Reno. And, that he'll be able to build up his business quickly!
Casey's welding hat. He's always had a love for welding but needed to be certifide to do anything with it...
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Katie's 4th Birthday
My beautiful baby girl turns 4 yrs old today!! Katie is such an amazing part of our family! Her constant animated chatter and silly sayings bring us many hours of entertainment. We love her laughter, sweetness, kindness towards her brothers and crazy imagination!
Pretty as a Princess!
Katie loves strawberry cake, with chocolate frosting and sprinkles, so that's the cake I made her! At 10:30 yesterday morning her 3 girlfriends, Jolena, Taylor and Marisa, arrived for a Princess Tea Party. They each got to be a Disney Princess and, had fun at their tea party! Then, at 11:30 the "Princes" arrived :) Jakob and Dalton had no idea what they got themselves into when they showed up... there were 4 girls waiting for them to "dance at the ball" It was quite funny! But, they had fun and did lots of playing and running around!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A few pictures from our time at Dad and Mom's in California....
Katie being her usual, animated self!
On Thursday we were able to visit Great Grandma Dora for a little while... I'm so glad we went this day b/c we weren't able to go on Saturday (as planned) since Tys and I were sick.
The boys with Great Grandma! She was feeling a little "under the weather" from a cold so, we brought her a plate of ollie bolen to cheer her up!! She is blessed to have 49 great grandchildren, with 3 more on the way in 2010... that is so amazing to me :)
Casey was our official ollie-bolen-taste-tester. It's a tough job but somebody had to do it!
Something about sitting on Grandpa's lap was SO funny!!
He must be tickling them....
Tys hanging out in the kitchen with his Oma
One of many batches of ollie bolen... this is before the sugar :)
Mom hard at work. I know she made at least 6 batches of ollie bolen on New Years Day!! She even let me try it since, I'll be trying to make them next year :)
Tys was also an official ollie-bolen-taste-tester... yummy!
Oma and Grandpa gave Trent a riding John Deere for his birthday ~ he loves it!
On Sunday we celebrated Katie's birthday... since I was still recovering from the flu and Casey wasn't feeling too great himself, I didn't get a cake made for her. But, she was very happy with her bowl of ice cream and opening her presents. From Oma and Grandpa she received a microwave and 99 pieces of food! She has been busy cooking us all dinner since!
We enjoy our visits to mom and dad's and look forward to the quiet, peaceful time spent on "the farm". The kids love to feed the animals: Curly the Cow, Bad Goose, Lucy & Bob the cats, Mickey & Roscoe the dogs, the birds, chickens and whoever else I left out :) They are so blessed to have Grandparents that love them so much and I know the kids love their visits there as well!!!
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